Qui Sumus
February 23, 2024

Been watching a lot of YouTube from Patrick Bet-David lately. Interesting person. Born in Iran just before the revolution, PBD came to America in the early '90s where a strong work ethic, desire for success and a firm family foundation led him to fulfill a first-rate American dream which includes a reportedly 9-figure fortune and a 5 percent ownership stake in the NY Yankees.

I believe PBD is a prime example of what politicians like Joe Biden get entirely wrong. I use the President as an example as I've heard him say that he feels white supremacy or extremism is one of the greatest existent threats to our nation. In a world that includes China, Iran and Russia, a statement like the aforementioned must be one of the most preposterous utterings made by any American leader, ever. Yes, there have been some doozies but this is just off the charts.

Are there white supremacists in American. Yes. Can they be dangerous. Yes. The real question, I feel, is how much of a force are they? What are their numbers? Are they a lunatic fringe or does the actively dangerous element number in the tens of millions as they did a century ago, around the time too many of our current leaders were born and where their thinking may be rooted.

I think these people are likely a fringe, like flat-earthers or manned moon landings deniers, though arguably potentially far more dangerous due to the wllingness of some of their number to use extreme violence. But I believe Mr. Biden sees them everywhere, perhaps in the face of everyone who has or would vote for his opponent.

But I just can't believe they're all around us...I want to believe most white folks and most other people who have or would vote for Donald Trump are pretty much like me. And I would rather live in a neighborhood filled with immigrants like Pat Bet-David (if I could afford it), people who chose to come to this country -and do so in a legal manner- and make the most of the available opportunities for himself and his family rather than one infested the whitest of white radical leftists. It ain't about being white and it doesn't matter where someone's born, I think I know a real American when I see one.