Guilty as Not Charged
February 20, 2024
(This was part a FaceBook post, linked to a YouTube video where, during a CNN interview, businessman Kevin O'Leary noted there would be economic consequences for "loser state" NY as fallout for a NYC judge's decision to fine Donald Trump $345 million dollars for fraud in a civil trial.)

I believe historians will look back upon this time and be scathingly critical of certain aspects of the current American political leadership. To me, it's perfectly obvious that specific members of one party are using their positions to attempt to suppress the leading figure of the opposing party. This is recognizable because it's been seen before, although most typically in countries that we Americans refer to as either third-world nations or banana republics. We don't expect to witness such disreputable antics here though, of course, they do occur. A famous example, known to all with even a rudimentary education, is Richard M. Nixon. He would instantly recognize the strategies in use today as abusing the mechanisms of state bureaucracy to hamstring an opponent was a chapter in his playbook. That the tactics he used against political rivals were among the main reasons he was so despised by members of the party who now openly, brazenly employ those same methods is a tasty bit of irony, don't you think?

Undoubtedly, there are those who feel that the political aspects -if any- of Mr. Trump's current legal troubles are irrelevant and that he has, in fact, acted in a less than ideal manner -to put it politely- in many circumstances and that, as a wrongdoer, he should be held to the same standard as any other citizen. And while I agree with those voices on some level, I do have a question: do you really believe Mr.Trump would be hit from so many sides at the same time if he were not running for President? Do you honestly believe that? Some may say that the timing is beside the point. It is not. Again, it is not.

As with many things, there are multiple dimensions to this sad circus. As this latest case, the NYC fraud trial, was largely related to how this man conducts business, I wonder what some members of this business community think about all this?