3D Models
Works In Progress...
Models shown here will eventually be released for download on this website.
To find out the current status of any of these models, please visit my What's New page.
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SHADO SkyDiver
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This model was originally made in 1999. Sky 1 was made first, later followed by the Diver. Diver was the first model I built using what I consider to be modern 3D modeling techniques, such as beveled edges and integrated structures.
As such, I think it's held up well over time, though portions of both the geometry and textures/surfacing need some updating. Sky 1, however, needs to be entirely rebuilt and painted. This is the first model I plan to work on as I still get requests to make it available again, several years after I stopped distributing it.
Enterprise Refit
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How many modelers have built one of these? 8^)
I worked on this in the late 2000-early 2001 time period. Geometry is finished and maybe half the texturing is complete. Basically, the secondary hull, nacelles and pylons need to be painted.
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This model was originally done in mid-2000, right after I left Foundation Imaging. It was available for download from my old website and can still be found on the net if one looks for it.
I began to redo it in mid-2005, then got sidetracked when I began working on the BOWST project for the U.S Air Force (see my resumé for details).
I completed redoing the fuselage (but not the cockpit) and the port wing...you can see the substantial differences in the wings in the image at left. I want to add retractable landing gear to the model and rig it all up using sliders for easy animation.
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Throughout my career as a 3D artist, I've built only hard-surface models (and mostly aircraft, really).
Always wanted to try my hand at organic modeling; was gonna make the Harryhausen Cyclops from "7th Voyage of Sinbad" my first but, as you can see, I've decided to attempt what may be the most challenging subject, the photorealistic CG human.
I think it's coming along well...one of the goals I have in making the model that it not look like a first attempt; I'd like to create something really top-notch on the first try. We'll see if I succeed.
Free 3D Models
Sorry, none of them are ready yet...